The goal is to test priority queue implementations against a reference implementation. The strategy I used is to generate test cases mechanically. And when a failing test case is found, it shrinks to a small reproduction case. The code is here.

From a seed random number, it first decides on the number of operations and their frequencies. Then it creates a list of operations (like push and pop), and evaluates the operations on both implementations. If they ever return different responses, or an exception occurs in one but not the other, that’s a failed case.

From a seed number, create a plan and test script, execute it and gather results
Map<String, Object> runTest(long seed, referenceSupplier, testSubjectSupplier) {
    Map<String, Object>  thePlan = Plan.plan(seed, queue_max_size);
    List<List<Object>> theScript = Script.script(thePlan);
    Map<String, Object>   result = Eval.eval(theScript,

    thePlan.put("script", theScript);
    return thePlan;

Introducing bugs

To run the program:

$ javac *.java
$ java Heap

I can introduce bugs in the priority queue, here. Off-by-one, reversed conditionals, and other common errors are quickly caught.

Failing case after reversing the children comparison
Method calls that expose bug: [add(0), add(0), add(1), add(1),
                               poll(), poll()]
PriorityQueue.poll() => 0, but..
Heap.poll()          => 1

This sequence of six operations is minimal in the sense that leaving out any one operation or reducing the numbers would result in a passing test case. So for instance, adding 0 three times and then a 1 isn’t enough to expose the buggy behavior: you need two ones. The first poll operation returns the right answer, but encounters the buggy comparison, and swaps in the wrong element. The second poll exposes this corrupt state. The original sequence that failed had over 600 operations before shrinking:

[fill-to, 0], [add, 25], [add, 3], [peek], [peek], [peek], [remove],
[element], [add, 3], [offer, 4], [add, 14], [poll], [peek], [peek],
[remove], [peek], [offer, 22], [isEmpty], [add, 16], [poll]

A bit more subtle, and less realistic, we can introduce a bug in swapDown:

void swapDown(int i) {
    while (!isLeaf(i)) {
        int c = priorityChild(i);
        if (i == 17 && c != lchild(i)) {
            trigger += 1;
            if (trigger == 5)
        if (tree.get(i).compareTo(tree.get(c)) <= 0)
        Collections.swap(tree, i, c);
        i = c;

This artificial bug (the first if) is only triggered on the fifth time that position 17 in the array is considered for swapping down and its right child is higher priority than its left. When triggered, it ends the down-swapping loop (potentially) prematurely. A script of over 200 operations failed on the 127th, and was shrunk down to these 14 operations:

PriorityQueue.poll() => 35, but..
Heap.poll()          => 36
Method calls that expose bug: [fill-to(77), remove(), poll(),
  poll(), remove(), poll(), poll(), remove(), add(0), remove(),
  remove(), poll(), fill-to(79), fill-to(0)]

The fill-to operations mean "add or remove elements as required to get the queue to the desired size".

Treasure hunt

We can set up a little "treasure hunt" of conspiring bugs for the test runner to find. First, the private method isLeaf should be called on position 12 to advance a trigger to state 1. Then it should offer the number 7. Then peek at an empty state. Then call size when the queue has 42 elements. Finally, the bug is triggered and a call to poll will erroneously return null. A test case that exposes this bug must hit these events in order.

boolean isLeaf(int i) {
    if (trigger == 0 && i == 12)
        trigger = 1;
boolean offer(E e) {
    if (trigger == 1 && (Integer) e == 7)
        trigger = 2;
E peek() {
    if (trigger == 2 && tree.isEmpty()) {
        trigger = 3;
int size() {
    if (trigger == 3 && tree.size() == 42)
        trigger = 4;
E poll() {
    if (trigger == 4)
        return null;

After a few seconds it found a test case with over 6000 operations that failed on the 2145th, and shrunk it down to these twelve operations:

PriorityQueue.poll() => 0, but..
Heap.poll()          => null
Method calls that expose bug:
  [fill-to(19), poll(), poll(), poll(), poll(), poll(), poll(),
   clear(), peek(),

The fill-to(42) command calls size internally.

This "treasure hunt" bug is entirely synthetic, but sometimes real bugs will involve the unanticipated interactions of different components under specific conditions. Such bugs can be very easily missed by unit testing. A bit of automation and domain modeling can shine light into quite a few dark corners.

And domain modeling is the trick here. It finds these bugs because they manifest in the tiny fraction of the possible search space I chose to concentrace on: small numbers. If instead of triggering with 7 I had used 7 million, it would take an extremely long time to stumble upon a triggering script. But this coverage is ample to catch actual mistakes in code; there just isn’t that much logic to get wrong in a priority queue implementation.